Fishing The Naknek River in April 2010

To protect the Naknek Rainbow Trout during the Spring Spawn, the AKDF&G closes the Canyon Section of the Naknek River from April 10 - June 8.  The weeks just prior to the closure can be very productive.

The Rainbow Trout begin to take on beautiful spawning colors during this period.  I caught this handsome Buck on April 4.
Rainbow Trout on the Fly

Ben with 29 inch Rainbow The first week of April is supposed to be warm.  April 4, 2010 was an exception.  The temperature never got above 26F, so it was a constant battle to keep ice out of the guides.

The action was not very fast, but I was able to catch a few nice Fish.  This was a hefty 29 inch Male.

This 26 inch Rainbow Trout displays the classic features by which Alaskan Rainbow Trout are famous.

As I was wading along, this Fish grabbed my Fly as it trailed behind me.
Pretty Rainbow Trout
Underwater Rainbow Trout I really like these underwater shots.  This is the same heavily-spotted 26 inch Fish.  

I have only a few days left, but I hope I can get out a few more times this week to find that elusive 30 inch Naknek Rainbow.  One of my Fly Fishing Forum Buddies (Mike Shroeder) caught a 32 inch MONSTER this evening as I videoed for him.  It was an amazing Rainbow Trout.

The last day of the Spring Rainbow fishery was April 9th.  Work and weather had conspired against me to get out since my last trip, but on this last day the temperature warmed to 38F with calm winds.

On the second cast of the day, I hooked this nice 25 inch Hen.
25 inch Hen
Spencer with Rainbow Trout Accompanying me on this last day in the Canyon was a young Veteran named Spencer T. Reynolds.  Spencer is from New York and just recently left the US Navy.  He just came to Alaska and is training to work on the North Slope.

Spencer has been Fly Fishing his entire life, but has never fished in Alaska.  This was Spencer's first Fish caught in Alaska.

Spencer's second fish in Alaska was a BEAUTY.  This hefty 27 inch Buck gave him quite a handful.

Spencer was giddy as a School-Girl to land this Fish.  It was very rewarding to share this amazing experience with him.
Spencer with 27 inch Rainbow Trout
Early Spring Rainbow Trout Things began heating up as the evening progressed.  For the next hour and a half, Spencer and I proceeded to hook a number of very large Rainbow Trout.

This handsome fellow of 29 inches represents seven Fish that I landed in the waning hours of the Spring Rainbow Trout Season on the Canyon Section of the Naknek River.

The best Fish of the day ended up being the largest Rainbow Trout I have ever caught on the Naknek River.  This sleek Hen is the first Rainbow Trout I have caught on the Naknek to hit the magic 30 inch mark.

April 9th ended up being a great day for Spencer and I on the Naknek River.  Spencer hooked, but lost a couple more large Fish.  I lost three and was able to land two 25 inch fish, one 26 inch, one 27 inch, two 29 inch and this lovely lady of 30 inches.  What a great night!
Ben with 30 inch Rainbow Trout
Naknek River Arctic Grayling I have been able to find willing Fish in the sections of the Naknek River that are still open to fishing.  Though I haven't caught many Fish worthy of Photos, I have caught several in the 22 - 25 inch range.

This is one of only a few Arctic Grayling I have caught in the Naknek River.  This is also the largest I have caught in the area.  He was about 17 inches.

There are still plenty of 20 - 25 inch Rainbow Trout in the open area.  There is not a lot of water to fish, but I have been able to find 1/2 Dozen or so every time I have gone out.

Here I am releasing a typical bright 22 inch Rainbow Trout that I have caught on the upper Naknek River (above Trefon's Cabin).
Ben releasing Rainbow Trout

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 347-9630
Revised -- 10 Apr 2010
PO Box 424  King Salmon AK  99613