The Situk River 2004

The Situk River near the town of Yakutat is a beautiful crystal clear stream that hosts arguably the most prolific Steelhead Fishery in the World. In May 2004, Chris and I met my friend Randy Francis and his Son at the Yakutat Lodge.

This beautiful 32 inch male Steelhead is typical of the fish found in the river.  The exceptional clarity of the water provides an opportunity to sight fish to these amazing fish.
Ben with Steelhead

Randy with Steelhead The AKDF&G Biologist at the weir stated that the 2004 run count was over 6,000 Steelhead.  He also stated that the largest he has ever taped was 49 inches long!

Though we didn't land any fish anywhere near that large, we did see several fish that would have been over 40 inches and Randy caught this bright Steelhead that taped out at 38 inches.

Unfortunately, Camera problems prevented us from taking many photos in 2004.

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 488-6388
Revised -- 5 April 2006
3033 Taxilane A  North Pole AK  99705