Fishing the Ivishak River 1998

The Ivishak is a tributary of the Sagavirinitok River (The Sag).   It flows north out of the Brooks Range and joins the Sag about 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean.

Here Gary Stapp holds a nice Grayling he caught with the Brooks Range in the background.   All of these fish averaged 12 - 16 inches.
Gary on the Ivishak

Ben with Brooks Range Another nice view of the Brooks Range as a backdrop to a Grayling taken on the Ivishak.

Chris Pettine holds another typical Grayling taken on the Ivishak.   We had a difficult time putting down the fly rods long enough to go hunting with a river so willing to give up fish. Chris on the Ivishak

Ben with Arctic Char We had searched hard to find some of the Arctic Char reported to be moving on the Ivishak River, but had given up and targeted the many grayling.   This Arctic Char rose to take my #16 Comparadun dry fly, then gave me quite a ride on my 3 weight fly rod.

This Arctic Char was about 22 inches.   Relatively small compared to the typical Char on the river.   Also, since it has been in fresh water a short time, it still has a silver color.   Fish found further upstream have beautiful crimson and black coloring. Ivishak Arctic Char

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 488-6388
Revised -- 5 Aug 2005
3033 Taxilane A  North Pole AK  99705