Fishing on the Ivishak River 2001

In August of 2001, my Father, Stan Baker and I flew in to the Ivishak River and landed on a gravel bar just inside the Northern edge of the Brooks Range.

I caught this beautiful Char on the first night.  This fish measured 31 inches and had the most beautiful coloring of any that I have seen.
Ben with Char

Spawning Male Char A close up of this fish shows colors that are very similar to that of a large spawning Brook Trout (a close cousin).

I believe that for beauty, this is the most spectacular fish in Alaska - maybe anywhere!

I had no sooner released my large fish when my Father, Stan, hooked and landed this even larger Char in the same hole.  Though this fish was not as brilliant in color as the earlier specimen, it measured over 32 inches.  

This is the largest Char that I have ever seen.
Stan Baker with Char

Typical Arctic Char Though we did catch some very large Char this year, again the typical fish was about 22 - 25 inches.  I believe that the silvery fish are non-spawning and return to the river simply to winter.

A fish like this makes a great meal for two.  They have excellent flavor.

As in past visits to the river, there were plenty of Arctic Grayling available as well.  This fish had beautiful color and represents a typical Ivishak River Grayling. Ivishak Grayling

Stan with Char We had 3 full days of beautiful, sunny, 65 degree weather on the Ivishak.  This was Dad's first trip to the North Slope.  I think he had a great experience and could be convinced it is a trip worth repeating.

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 488-6388
Revised -- 5 Aug 2005
3033 Taxilane A  North Pole AK  99705