Hello Anchorage!
Spring is just around the corner. Maybe a couple corners. I’m ready. How about you?
There is more that is just around the corner. By the time you receive this, a summary of the proposed contract changes will probably have arrived in your mail. The tentative agreement will be in the mail when the last of the details are resolved. It is of interest to all of us. It is an improved version of what the Governor offered that resulted from mediation.
In FY00, no raise. We go backwards by the amount of inflation. We make no financial progress in our careers. In FY01, FY02, and FY03 we make a slight gain in wages that have a chance of equaling inflation.
Health care would be transitioning to an employee directed plan. It won’t happen overnight. Our members will participate in the decision making process of our Health Care.
Annual and sick leave would be converted to personal leave on a one time choice basis. The specifics will be included in your ratification ballot.
The other changes to the contract are significant improvements. Some are not large. There is no doubt that our negotiation team did good in those areas. They improved where we are now. Ask the negotiators and your co-workers what they think.
Overall, are the changes enough to make it a good contract? You the members must make that decision. Is the contract one that you can vote for? Are you willing to fight for it? What do you think about it?
My home Email is . If you do Email me, I will respond, but it may take a few days. I’m still behind after vacation last week. At times, life other than ASEA takes priority. So feel free to call if you don’t get a response as quickly as you want; home 333?3636 and work 273?3219.
In Solidarity…Patrick W. Morrow /President, Anchorage Chapter/
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Yes, we still need them. We still need the organization. We still need to get a signed and funded contract. We have a little time to catch our breath… OK, now you have your breath. Pick the committee that you would prefer to be a part of – Public Relations, Hardship, Kitchen, Child Care, or the Picket Committee. We need them all.
Of course the largest number of people will be assigned to the picket committee. That is where the largest number of people will be needed. Don’t worry, if you are on one of the other committees you will be able to help on the picket line. That is where most of the action will be. By mid March, contact your Worksite Coordinator to volunteer for a committee. The committees will be meeting about that time to clarify the details for each committee. If you like to organize things, then you might want to volunteer to help with that part of your favorite committee.
Lunch time meetings to help people understand what these committees will be doing can be scheduled soon. If you would like to have a lunch time meeting about the committees then call me or your business agent and we’ll get one scheduled. I will attend as many lunch time meetings as I can. At some point in the not too distant future, I may have to be on business leave to help get the South Central Region organized. I will be making, or already have made, contact with your worksite coordinators to help get people assigned to committees.
If you don’t know who your worksite coordinator is then feel free to call me or your business agent and ask. We may not yet have one at your work site. It will be necessary to have more than one Worksite Coordinator at many sites. It is mainly a job of communication and follow through. If you can help with this task then please give me a call.
In Solidarity…Patrick W. Morrow/ Your South Central Regional Strike Plan Coordinator.
A result of the Biennial convention is that you will be asked to vote on an increase in union dues. Due to the Corrections Officers opting out of ASEA our total dues payment went down by about $250,000. Our union’s business manager, Chuck O’Connell, has cut staff, changed buildings, and cut costs in other ways. The delegates to the Biennial convention have proposed what they feel is a needed increase. Thirty two (32) of the delegates were from the Anchorage Chapter. This vote may also be coming to you in March of 2000.
The biennial convention was a great success. Members came together every two years to do the work of our organization. Our union’s constitution was improved and information was provided. Be sure to extend your thanks to the following Anchorage chapter members who were delegates and alternative delegates to this convention. They volunteered their time.
Delegates: Mario Ayerdis/ Lewis Brown-Coon/ David Campana/ Mary Ann Chaney/ Scott Christy/ Gloria Eggleton/ Linda Gerber/ Gordon Glaser/ Arthur Goldberg/ Kelly A. Hause/ Catherine Isabella/ Marc Jones/ Barbara Karl/ James Laflamme/ Norma Sue Layton/ Jeff Monterosso/ Steven Mormilo/ Judith Morris/ Larry Nakata/ John Nicely/ Warren Petrasek/ John Pound/ Robert Powers/ Janetta Pritchard/ Larry Rabideau/ Vicki Strum/ Ernest Thomas/ Wes Thompson/ Chris Ulmann/ Sharon White-Wheeler/ Toya Winton/ Peter Yan
Alternates: Tammy Burns/ Edward Freeman/ Gloria Lewellyn/ Connie Greco/ Richard Hoover/ Truman Newsome/ Stacy Christoffersen/ Donald Faulkenburry/ Julia Kander/ Fred Pridgen
I want to thank all of you for volunteering and for the participation that you did in this important event. I hope all of you benefited personally from the experience. I look forward to hearing from you about the convention since I was unable to attend. Thank you for your work……Patrick W. Morrow
This year’s Biennial Convention was quite a success. The convention was well attended despite all that has been going on. The delegates worked hard to complete their work and had a good time doing it. We provided two days of training to allow the delegates to familiarize themselves with the information before being required to vote on the issues.
Friday, the convention reviewed highlights of the conceptual tentative agreement that had been arrived through mediation. A "Strike Panel" made up of leaders of other Unions who had experienced a strike followed. Members of the panel were Jerry Hood, Secretary Treasurer of the Teamsters, Dianne O Connell, Business Agent of AK. Nurses, Ellen Gamel, President of Totem.
The workshops were a big success and included Healthcare Options, Political Organizing, Privatization of Public Employee Services, and Internal and External Union Organizing. After the workshops, the delegates joined members of the HERE, Laborers, and other Labor unions to picket the Marriott Hotel. The enthusiasm of 150 union members assembling on the streets was inspiring. The Marriott has built their Anchorage Hotel non-union and has an anti-Union corporate stance.
In closing, many of our delegates and members who were in attendance stated that this was the best convention yet. I am convinced the positive energy was due to the level of solidarity that has come from working together on the challenges put before us.
Thanks for your support in bringing this Union together….Vinnie O
Connor / ASEA / AFSCME LOCAL 52, President.