::path// Ilium Rise : Projects : Biography of a Machine : Lyrics

Troy Lawlor : Biography of a Machine : Lyrics


what kind of statement
do you want to make with your life
where do you think you're going with my bag of chips
how do you think you'll survive

the waitress calls me to her to tell me to get out
don't be too loud sir or we'll call the cops
please sir... there are children watching

so what why should i care we are all society's slaves
we have a god given right to rebel against opression
that mindless stare she knows nothing of the big picture
she's only thinking about what clothes next to wear
to impress that special nobody

the golden handshake has become taboo
the way to shangri-la is to hide you
from everything you love

i hate you, me, everybody, everything
get your own unique name and password
chamber of secrets
forgotten knowledge scars
go for the eyes
society's eyes
a lif plenty
i've wasted plenty
but not enough for anybody
to notice me
i need to feel
through the pavement
i need to feel
something real
i want to kill
the biggest lion
you can find
i want to be
the loudest me
i can be
just like on tv
grey dull skull
an organic machine
ready to fail
they tell me it's alright
they tell me it's ok
i know that's not the way
i should deal
but reality is
a harsh mistress
i'm not crazy
i'm not crazy
just melodramatic
just melodramatic
get in the trunk
get in the trunk
we're going to bomb somebody

don't kid yourself
we're all important
and i love you
love you
love you
so i guess this is goodbye


did you hear the news today?
the enemy isn't at bay
the war of ages is out of control
sign up now and escape your hole
they say action brings hope
and makes you feel alive
if you're strong enough
maybe you'll survive

a grand event
easy to prevent
armies of thousands
destroying the world
i guess it'd be better
to write home letters
then sit here and die
without ever feeling alive
at least i can shred
these hope-stained clothes

a small white room
no sense of doom
they test me out
i'm in without a doubt
i'll be given guns
and a chance to run
i'll have new thresholds
be something special
but there is one catch
i must become a robot


sixteen angels rest upon my shoulder today
sixteen pistons start pumping my blood today
flesh has become only a silly memory
the worms have all lined up in assembly
in a thousand years i'll be little more then dust
after a long stint of turning to rust
what does it matter i'll be in a grave anyway
this spoiled life isn't worth the pay
of tired aching bones and a heart that will break
thick artery walls and a brain to forsake

come here
come here
it's time to start your new life

as the needle exits
i am thrown off the edge
pouring into the unreal
i don't feel a dark dream's dread
i'm not sick i'm not sick
just pure pure pure and blue
the wallowing in a sky of clouds
faded to a ghostly hue
below sharp contrasts of green and white
fight and fight and cut the night
waterfalls cascading out of sight
it's not real
i know the way the way i work
i am a god a god in the eyes
of everyone i'll fight
comon and try me try me
oh god oh god how will i work
a battery pack where the heart lurks
motor oil for breakfast
and days of painful bedrest
memories of an age long past
changed the im broadcast
my fate already has been sealed
the journey between a surreal dream

i will be used for war
i won't be innocent anymore
everyone's so afraid of the change
if i had my way i'd do away with everything
i'd make the world a new place
a place where everything is green
i don't need to be a machine
but my fate already has been sealed
the journey between a surreal dream

i embrace the machines
i embrace the machines


the time is drawing near
my old friend's been left alone
the time is drawing near
metal dreams are here
the time is drawing near
circuits will replace my fear


new me

i have found hope in this petty new lifestyle's face
don't let my new appearence upset your puny grace
i may be made of nectar i may be god's new testbed
your frame is not of my concern if it's in the way of my mission

i'll write after the bomb
the front lines are dying
i'm sick of mental hiding
i'll just tromp right through
with my pistons in full bloom

with one fell swoop an entire battlion goes down
these little brethren will never test my bounds
the spoils of war or the experiences in it
ten days in and i'm still chomping at the bit
chomping at the bit


three months have passed
i've seen eight horrors
there's still no feeling
in my bones

everything is on fire
i've torched it all
it wasn't my call
everything is vacant
i've cleaned away
everyone who's close
everything is smoking
one quick spark and
it's all gone
everything is silent
quiet shot through the hills

i feel so unreal
the tanks behind my back
the sky is so grey
the commander gives the order
i fire at will
with a flash i level hundreds
the rest still charge with rage
but i pick up my guns
and meet them at a tree
i can't feel my toes
it's so cold
even though
everything is on fire


you press the button
and they die
you don't take them out
one at a time
it's hard to feel bad
when you're so remote

when the bomb flies
it makes a moat
but in the corner of my eye
i see something rather...

she floats with such grace
through some village place
my first attempts at talking
only yield more misery

i think i feel something real
she's making me heal
within a week
she's warming up

i'm getting somewhere
i'm feeling love
and i know she feels it too
every single moment

this is how i want to die
always together
two lost souls found
two starlocked fools in love
two starlocked fools in love
two starlocked fools in love
two starlocked fools in love

but now i'm faced with a choice
explode her town or die in jail
kill my love or kill myself
how did i get myself into this
where did i go wrong
where did i go wrong

i can't believe this

with grave news
my cynic soon returns
i'm only a machine
she means nothing to me

i don't mind
dying alone
i accept my fate
and flip the switch
the emotion came quick
and faded quicker
i am alone
so i recede into my head

goodbye cruel world
i'm entering my own


on our wedding day
i'll be there
it's so nice to have
interaction with another
beautiful being

feels like forever
when i'm swimming
blue skies bringing
warm emotion

but this isn't real
it can't be real
snap back here
it wasn't real


there is no place for me to go
i can't escape the reasoning
i can't escape my inner workings

i sent away
life's only pain
now there's little reason for me to stay

i think i'm going crazy
i think i'm opening doors
i think i'm going crazy
i have nightmares in the day

stay away
stay away
stay away
stay away


and just like that the final battle is beginning
two ancient parties are down to a last match
they shot our negotiator in the back
amongst the smoldering ruins of my home town
amongst the destroyed dreams of its townfolk
amongst the brown and dirty midwest air
amongst a world that just doesn't seem to care
amongst the flowers that lie in the ditch
amongst the shining stars the hover just above

a grand event
so easy to prevent
armies of thousands
destroyed the world
as i don my helmet
and fire into the air
i taste my fate
tonight's the night

shrapnel rips into my best friends(but i feel nothing)
all the bullets shred my parents(but i feel nothing)
and plenty die by my bloody hands
but nothing seems to disturb my calm
there's a bubble that's so ready to burst
there's a pin raining down from the sky

i've been invincible for too long
here it comes streaking towards my head
it's hard to feel fear
when you can't feel anything at all
the bomb is coming
yeah it's coming
but i can't take my eyes
off the moon
the bomb is coming
yeah it's coming
but i can't take my eyes
off the moon


lying here amongst the flowers
i let my rage go far away
it makes me feel so good inside
to know that i'm only dying
now i realize all the splendor
of the cosmos and my turtle
i hope you know you're only dying
but the world is still alive

feels so unreal
to see stars
but feel your blood
to recognize
you're a machine
with no more time

packed with emotion i'm lying still
unable to move anything
my spite has killed me once again
but this time i have learned my lesson
i have only love for you
and this world's natural embrace
the squirrels and the nuts of
the forest all in harmony

please listen now
you're dying now
love yourself
and everything
feel your life
and go outside

go outside


when you're cold
and everything's not alright
just find someone to hold
and you'll make it through the night

just hug and cry
and feel some pain
you live until you die
and are boarded on the train

don't just sit and stare
and go through life
without ever really feeling alive

it's not so bad
you're never really alone
don't get mad and stay at home
go outside

there's a world of laughs and anger
there's a world of pain and joy
there's a world of friends and pets
there's a world of hope and fun
there's a world of rain and sun
there's a world of hearts and stones
there's a world of hugs and smiles
there's a world of tears and sparks
there's a world of warmth and sand
there's a world of sticks and bones
there's a world of bright compassion
there's a world of deep embrace
there's a world of foolish jumping
there's a world of silly games
there's a world of people together
there's a world of children
there's a world of innocence
there's a world of naivity
there's a world of might
it's a world of god's

it's a world of love

but i guess this is goodbye

copyright 2001 troy lawlor all rights reserved. designed on a mac art: photoshop html: bbedit
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