The Battle Storyline

The year is 2034. The government has developed secret inter-dimensional space travel. They have built a machine that allows people and objects to travel to an assigned location. This machine is always under very tough security. You have been assigned to stand guard with about 10 other troops over a one night period. You think its going to be a regular, average night. Until you hear gun fire and yelling in the distance. The other troops and you pull out your guns and prepare to fire. The gun fire is getting closer. Then you see it. The rest of the troops charge at the thing, but you remain frozen, as if under a magic spell. You watch as all the people die in horror. Then the thing comes toward you. It looks like a fairly large boi-mechanical suit. You start to reach for your gun. You are stopped when the thing shoots you. Wounded you play dead. The thing powers up the potal and turns around and looks at you. You catch a glimpse of the figure controling the vehicle. You look in amazment as the thing enters the portal. Your brother! Wounded you crawl to your gun. About 4 troops run by you in smaller bio-mechanical suits and start to power up the portal. They fly into the world on the other side. You will have to fight your way through your own people and friends to get a boi-mechanical suit of your own and find your brother, now enemy, and kill him to make him pay for these deaths and probably many more deaths. You get up and start walking. It's time to kill...

The Battle Weapon List

1. Laser Pistol
2. Tripal-barrel Machine Gun
3. Viro Shotgun
4. Laser Canon
5. Electric Rifle
6. Kaboom Explosive device
7. Magic
8. Electric Sledge Hammer