DiJiT: News October 97
What's New

News Archive: October 1997

10/30/97 QuakeFinder/etc.


We uploaded Slayer's Profile, in which you can learn more about this mysterious Quake-editing entity. Quite a few sections now have imagemaps for interfaces, so look around. And we finally added a Misc. Files section containing- nothing.

QuakeFinder Released!

QuakeFinder, the Mac alternative to GameSpy. It sports a cool MacOS 8 appearence, "chasing arrows", and a slick interface. Be sure to download it here. Now if Scott would release Quiver...[IMG]

Myth Goes Golden Master

The Cross-platform 3-D Wargame Myth: The Fallen Lords went Golden Master yesterday at 1:00 AM(ouch). The official release date is November 15th, and those of you who preordered direct from Bungie should receive it within a few days of the 15th.[Myth Unlimited]

Quake for N64 Review

The N64 has been lacking only one thing- Quake. And now N64.com has their first impressions of the conversion. It is a straight converstion, very little if anything new.[GameAddict]

10/29/97 Profiles!

Profiles Posted!

Want to find out a little more about us? Some profiles with limited info about most of us have been posted here. Note that at this time Slayer and Odin are too busy to write profiles, but will soon...

Arctic Ape Updates .plan

AA updated his .plan. You can check it out here. He talks about life in general...

New Mac Unreal Site

New on the web is "mac.unreal.org" a great site for those who like Unreal and are interested in keeping track of it's progress of being ported by Mark Adams of Westlake Technologies.[IMG]

Quake 2 To Rhapsody

Some hype has surrounded Quake 2's port to Rhapsody, being as how John Carmack has an affliction for the upcoming OS. It appearently may take long then expected, as John tells Blue:

"I actually did some work day before yesterday on getting stuff compiling for rhapsody. "Right after we hand off the master, we will all be working on a free deathmatch expansion for Quake 2 that should take about a month. I'm not sure if the rhapsody work will be done during that or after. Our current port priority is probably: linux, SGI, rhapsody, everything else."

[Blue's News]

Riven Review

There is a review of Riven up on Next Generation. The reviewer didn't like Myst much but says Riven is leap years ahead of it's time. Check it out here.[GameAddict]

Myth Units

There is an entertaining look at Myth Unit Names by Tyr. In Myth you have the ability to name each unit seperately, so one Journeyman can be named "Slappy" and another "Urk". Bungie came up with a bunch of names for the units and put them as defaults. Appearently even Tyr, the author, is one...[Myth Unlimited]

10/28/97 A Few Changes...

A Few Changes

Our level page continues to change and expand. Take a look at the latest incarnation and let me know how it works. Hopefully soon we'll work on our projects page.[Arctic Ape]

Marathon 2 Rare Poster

Being the Marathon obsessor I am, I couldn't help but mention that there is a old Marathon 2: Durandal poster at Marathon's Story that was sent in by a Bungie employee. It appearently didn't do too well, selling only a few copies, which is why it is quite rare. Check it out here. Though not terribly visually exciting, it has some pretty cool text.

10/27/97 Updates...

Sorry about the lack of updates...

I got a bit too into programming and completely neglected the webpage. I'm sorry about this, and I hope we didn't lose any viewers because of the lack of updates. I'm also taking steps to get our page advertised, hopefully attracting more people. Remember to tell your friends...[Arctic Ape]

Dan's DM 3.0 Posted!

Hot on the heels of Dan(Slayer)'s DM 2.0 is Dan's DM 3. It is a simpler, dark runic design then DM 2's base warehouse theme. It's lots of fun in any form of Quake, and I encourage you to download now at our Levels page.


Though this is quite old news(last week), the Quake II Test has been released. This is a single player mostly technology test, and contains 3 great levels. Be sure to download it at ID Software's webpage or take a look at Blue's News for news about Quake II and links.

10/15/97 Site Down for Awhile

We're down for now...

Well, I won't be updating the site for 2-3 days, leaving several small things in disarray such as the imagemaps and incomplete title headings. Hopefully I'll be able to get some programming done then. Anyway, without further ado, yesterday's news...[Arctic Ape]

Myth Demo Coming...

Bungie Software's real-time 3-D strategy-based wargame Myth is now nearly complete. Bungie now has a page with information about the upcoming demo, hopefully released this month(October).

Doom 2 TC?

Remember that old game... what was it called? Oh yeah, Doom 2. Anyway, better drag it out because a new Doom 2 Shareware TC has recently been released. Hacx, by Banjo Software looks pretty cool...

Next Generation Postal Review

Next Generation, the hip computer and video game magazine has posted a review of Running With Scissor's latest ultra-violent game Postal. You should take a look at it.

10/14/97 Content!

Site update still pending...

Content is slowly coming in, but we weren't able to bring as much as we wanted. For now, take a long gander at the new menu in our About Us section. Look for our personal profiles and misc. files "when they're done".

Game Addict

Imagine Games Network has unveiled the brand spanking new resource Game Addict. Game Addict gives up to the minute news about computer and console games and is a wonderful tool for those who need the latest RIGHT NOW.

Marathon's Story

You Quake addicts probably won't "get" this. If you Marathon and/or Myth and/or Bungie Software, you might enjoy the Marathon's Story page. They recently had an interesting melodramatic discussion on the origin of the order numbers of the Marathon Keychain. Now if that isn't entertainment, I don't know what is...

10/11/97 Site Update Coming!

Site update by Monday

Perhaps you've noticed our site has some strange HTML in parts, and not a lot of Content. Luckily, by Monday most of our stuff will be done, so be sure to check back then(October 13th).

Dan's DM 2 Posted

Our previously barren Levels section now contains Dan's(Slayer) DM 2. Look for Dan's DM 1 to be posted soon. In related matters, we are also working on some Level creation tips, so those starting out can learn from Slayer and Odin, Quake users since QTest. The Levels section.

Redwood Posts Quake 2 Preview

Redwood posted his second Quake 2 Preview yesterday. He appearently visited ID(on invite) to take a look at ID's latest game. Redwood had a lot of great stuff to say about it, including the new crouch feature and GL colored lighting. Check it out at http://redwood.stomped.com/quake2/q2prev2.html.

Redneck Rampage Expansion Pack

PC Gamer has some good news for fans of Redneck Rampage:

"Interplay's Build-engine first-person shooter Redneck Rampage is due for an expansion pack this December. The pack, called "Suckin' Grits on Route 66", will feature ten new levels and a host of new villains and locales. Gamers can expect to encounter such colorful characters as Billy the Beer Drinkin' Goat, The Texas Chicken Ranch, and the Celebrity Dinosaur Cave. Route 66 will be available in November and require the full version of Redneck Rampage to run.

The expansion pack is being developed by Sun Storm, a small company that specializes in doing official add-ons for games using the Build engine. It's the same group that Duke it Out in D.C., and others."

10/9/97 Jedi Knight Released!

Slow News Day

Slow news day, but hopefully there will be more to post tomorrow.

Jedi Knight Released!

LucasArt's latest PC Star Wars based creation, Jedi Knight is now available in stores(according to Blue's News). This game is stopping productivity even in large corporation with it's amazing gameplay. Congrats, LucasArts! You can download the demo at ftp://ftp.lucasarts.com/demos/pc/JediDemo.exe.[pc]

10/8/97 Our Site is Up!

DiJiT's Webpage Up!

Our webpage is finally up! We've been wanting to do this ever since our formation 5 months ago, but only recently got to it. For more information about DiJiT, take a look at our About Us page. Exuse the mess, as we're always under construction. To send us complaints, suggestions, and ideas about the website, see our Contacts page.

Please be patient as we finish our site. You'll notice several pages contain nothing, or next-to-nothing, but will be filled during the next week or two. More news later

Starting tomorrow, we'll have news about the computer gaming industry and DiJiT happenings. Bookmark this page to have the latest brought to you daily!