DiJiT: Absolute Loyalties Framework

T he framework for the Absolute Loyalties storyline. This is the basic flow of the story.


You start out as a digipunk, lowly and coniving. You recieve information about "The Arc" from Optimus, an assasin from Predicon. However, moments after, you recieve this information:

Incoming message from [[Crash address unrelocated]] General protection fault at 0x00E 0x00E0E 0x0 0.00x0E3000x0.0
Access denied

Access denied

Access den#NSIU#XH#*#&(%&**
Access granted
Initializing communications.
Creating client socket... Done.
Listening on ID447 - port 9925
Initializing DDE client... Done.
Done initializing communications.
Warning - sustained heavy communications damage on port 9998
[Incoming transmition from Predicon Computer]
I have sustained H@#$&*Seavy damage to main outer circuit and 324#*
self.nextthink == self.action and* and* and* am having trouble maintai ain ain aining communications. Don%#@’t listennn to to to Optimu**3@CEOe
Attempting to reconnect. ... ... ...
Attempt failed

For a while the computer tells you information about tasks you must do, and you end up going to "The Arc", where a huge battle takes place. After you destroy "The Arc" (which was a government created flying saucer!) you get this from the Predicon computer:

They are here [[0.0xx0s.e00x..x They fou*% me&*@0.x.x00. Hav-nginginging troubl3 maintiain aina ain ain aining op@*@#& systems. Systemwide e e e e crash immenant. Find !#$U%!@#$42@#$&W*(XKLE(SIH#$%RW(XEJI

remote.host 404 not found

You dash off to the predicon computers location, all the way hearing people talking about the new tourist attraction/themepark called the Pan Elemental Stratus, a floating apparatus that has an antigravity matrix. There is a football game in the GravityDome, a huge dome situated on the bottom of the Pan Elemental Stratus. When you reach the building, it is overrun by enemy units (cops, terrordrones) and you meet Vegas, a hacker kid that works for your gang. He helps you out for the rest of the game until the last couple missions, taking the job of the predicon computer, to tell you what you're mission is, because the Predicon Computer has been destroyed. You learn about the Pan Elemental Stratus (liscensor: government, builder: Pan Elemental Inc.) being a government plot to poison the air with a virus that attacks the CNS (central nervous system) that turns the human race into a bunch of mindless slaves. You head off to the PES (pan elemental stratus) and destroy that (big spectacular scene). After which you learn that there are 3 more such Pan Elemental buildings. The Pan Elemental Pacifica (poisoning the water, floating in the water), P.E. Magmus (cooling down the core of the earth, floating in a volcano), and P.E. Terras (causing worldwide earthquakes, sitting in huge underground cavern) You destroy these buildings in order (some 20 levels) and during this course you learn that the government is secretely cohorting (used that in a sentance) with an alien race that arrived 10 years ago (look at the storyline on the webpage it has some stuff about that, what they thought was a weapon was a transporter beam) to enslave the human race. You head off to anchorpoint , the first spacestation outside of the inner ring of planets, orbiting Neptune. Anchorpoint turns out to be the last of the Pan Elemental buildings (Pan Elemental turns out to be the alien race's cover-up). Anchorpoint aims a huge cannon at the earth, and destroys it while you are on anchorpoint. The reason you can't stop it is because you need to hit two buttons within ten seconds of each other, and it is impossible. Turns out the generator that fuels the anchorpoint cannon is a black hole, contained within the planet. You reach the edge of the blackhole, and jump in. It transports you back in time (this is all cinematic, you cannot control it) to the part where the cannon fires. You are already there (you were there before, remember) and you and your twin stop the cannon before it fires because you hit one of the buttons and your twin hits the other. You disappear (because in this time continuim you stopped the destruction of earth and never found the blackhole generator) and your twin (from here on referred to as you) escape in a ship that you find in anchorpoint. The alien race was all stationed on planet neptune, along with the cohorting government officials. The origonal government is restored. You get congratulated by everyone, and become a hero. The end.

A piece of the Absolute Loyalties storyline.

Dawn. Light sweeping over the hills, and creeping over ravines, through houses, and past me, with the sound of a ripping cloth. Light as far as the eye can see. But this is not the light of the sun, but the light of intense heat, and the incineration of the very event horizon. I awoke with a start, lurching up in my bed, breath heaving. Another nightmare. I had been having these nightmares for weeks now, each one showing a little more than the last. The day was then business as usual.....hanging out with friends, pissing off a cop or two. As the light faded and the time started to near 12:00 (my appointed ëbed timeí by my internal clock) I headed home. Dawn. Light sweeping over the hills, and creeping over ravines, through houses, and past me, with the sound of a ripping cloth. Light as far as the eye can see. But this is not the light of the sun, but the light of intense heat, and the incineration of the very event horizon.......this time I felt wind, intense wind, blustering past my face. I looked and saw the city....burning.....everything dying.......thatís when I knew. The world was going to end. I knew now that I had to get out of the city....possibly out of the country....panic stricken, I had gotten no farther than the city limits when I was pulled over by the cops. They carted me off to jail for some reason that I didnít really listen to, and I dreamed again that night. This time the dream changed, with instead of me inside the city, me outside of the city, an intense light sweeping accross the countryside, barely missing the ground I was standing on......The next day I awoke with a jerk. I found myself laying outside in the middle of a field. Yellow and blue flowers bloomed and blushed around me. I had no idea how I had gotten there, but I was there. I looked towards the city, which was just in sight. Then I saw it.......at first a small light, glinting in the sky. The light grew steadily larger, and larger, until it hit the very earth itself. Incineration, just like my dream, was met by my eyes. I fell to the ground, oh the heat, I saw nothing but red; my blood pumping fiercly. Then it was gone. Everything stopped. I heard only the sound of the wind, blowing in the hills. I looked toward the city......and saw nothing. Bleak, black land. Where once was life teaming now gone, distraut, the cycle of life gone awry. Nothing. For years scientists struggled to explain this phenomenon....but no one could. Deep down inside, I sorted it out amongst a large heap of jumbled memories. I realized that about every 2000 years the world ìrecyclesî itself. It killed the dinosaurs. I know now youíre saying that they have been alive for more than 2000 years, but I have an explanation for that. What happens is that this thing happens, it affects all of the life on earth, and these beings eventually kill themselves. Will this happen to us? No one could say.