Wayne Johnson Photo by Richard Ustinich
Wayne Johnson was born in San Antonio, Texas and moved to Alaska
When he was 3 years old. His love for the outdoors always found him
in the woods around Southcentral Alaska as often as possible.
Hunting, Fishing, and hiking, but not yet Photography, helped to develop his
love for the outdoors even further.
It wasn't until later in life, after some college and a degree in Computer
Science, then his marriage to Michelle, that he found yet another way to enjoy
the beauty of Alaska - his Camera. Wayne began taking pictures of his children,
beginning with Christopher, and then moved on to Nature's wonders. Spare time
found him using his newfound passion as often as possible. "The kids were great
subjects, but they grew impatient with me." McKinley, Eagles, Northern Lights,
and Bears became his subjects. "Now the kids are traveling companions that I take
on many of my trips. I can't think of a better way to pass on to them a love
for God's great outdoors."
Some of the images you see are rare, and sometimes come once in a lifetime.
Wayne's images have found their way to Covers of Magazines, Calendars, Posters,
and his Gallery images can be found in homes around the World.
"People ask all the time what Equipment I shoot. I shoot all formats, 35mm Nikon,
Pentax 6x7, and recently I upgraded my Large format to a system that will allow 4x5, 5x7
and 6x17 film backs. I haven't made the jump to Digital, Film has been very good to me!"
All images are dedicated to Christopher who lost his battle with
Leukemia on May 12, 1997.
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