I propose the establishment of a high quality pool of western scientific advisors to the Bering Sea Coalition to explore with us the development of pioneering ways to use indigenous knowledge and wisdom garnered on an ecosystem wide basis.

I propose the recruitment of coastal school districts willing to work together under the guidance of native and non-native scientists (and perhaps the University) to explore development of high school biology programs which sample and monitor near shore indicators and relevant ecological parameters which can aid in getting the big picture. These school districts would administer identical science projects adjusted for local needs and conditions, and tied together by e-mail and the Bering Sea Bulletin Board.

We will be articulating this vision in more detail, as a draft, for distribution to the Bering Sea Coastal communities. It is my hope we will have a forum for these communities to discuss, debate, and change this vision sometimes next year, subject to funding. In addition, we will continue to work with the World Wildlife Fund which has identified the Bering Sea as one of six sites to focus on and for which they are attempting to raise 10 million dollars. We will continue to work with the Nature Conservancy which is now exploring the feasibility of raising $700,000 to launch Bering Sea stewardship programs. We will continue to work with Senator Stevens to provide substantial funding for Bering Sea stewardship initiatives over the long term. We will continue to work with the Center for Marine Conservation as it strives to determine its role in the Bering Sea. And finally, we will continue to work with President Clinton's administration in defining their vision for the Bering Sea.

Finally I wish to say this: We, the coastal communities, cannot accomplish what we want without you, and you cannot accomplish the task of maximizing understanding of the Bering Sea ecosystem without us. Initially this can be called a shot-gun wedding, but ultimately the need for reciprocity will become a desire for reciprocity by all involved. I am convinced of this. All we need is the conviction that change is needed and status quo is no longer acceptable.

Thank you.

For More Information, Contact:
Larry Merculieff, Coordinator
Bering Sea Coalition
22541 Deer Park Drive
Chugiak, Alaska 99567
Ph: 907-688-2226 / fax: 907-688-2285
e-mail: lmerculieff@igc.org
