Audio/Video Order Form:

Stand By - We hope to offer on-line ordering for our Holiday CD soon!!
If you wish to order Alaska Children's Choir recordings, please complete each field, then print this form from your web browser. Send the completed form, along with cash or a valid check or money order for your total.
Please make your check / money order payable to The Alaska Children's Choir.

Send your complete A/V order to:
The Alaska Children's Choir
200 West 34th Avenue #715
Anchorage, AK 99503-3969
  • Your name:

  • Your address:

  • Phone Number:

  • Email address:

  • What Recordings would you like to purchase, and in what quantity?
    Quan.Recording NamePrice
    Spring Fjord (CD)
    This Christmastide
    Other A/V Recordings (please specify below)
    Other Recordings Desired:

  • Compute your total:
    Product Total (Do not include shipping here)
    Shipping Total (Audio-$2.50/ea; Video-$5.00/ea)
    Grand Total (Send Check or Money Order in this amount)

  • Any comments:
  • Thank You for your order!

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