Tempo Tragedy!
A WebQuest for 5th Grade


designed by
Crystal Dowling

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


    Uh-oh.  Melvin, the Musical Menace is up to his old tricks.  This time, instead of traveling through time, he is TAMPERING with time!  It seems that while the whole world was mesmerized by a simultaneous (AND AT THE SAME TIME!), global performance of Ravel's Bolero (I wonder how that happened), Melvin maniacally managed to maneuver every tempo marking known to man into a metronomic mass of modulating meters!  A steady beat is nowhere to be found!
    Your job, as a top-notch time tracker, is to sort through the messy, musical mound of mixed-up tempo marks, and restore the steady beat we all know and love.


The Task

    You are going to discover and define the major tempo indicators  commonly used by musicians throughout the world.  In order to accomplish this task, you will need to:

  • Study the background of this page to find fifteen tempo indicators.
  • Explore the internet for definitions of the tempo terms.
  • Visit the school and/or city libraries for resources or books about musical terms, specifically tempo indicators.
  • Interview music teachers or local musicians for their input regarding tempo.

The Process
  1. As a preliminary activity the teacher will play for your class CD excerpts of music representing a variety of tempi.
  2. After listening, your class will discuss the music and the tempi heard.
  3. Your class will be divided into groups of 4-6 students.
  4. Each group will study the background of this page to find the fifteen different tempo indicators included.
  5. By exploring the internet, including the links listed here, as well as other available resources, look for several definitions for each of the tempo indicators.  
  6. Discuss with your group the differences between the definitions for each term, and note that some terms are defined in many ways.
  7. Compose with your group, a summary definition for each tempo indicator.  The definitions should represent the opinions of your entire group.
  8. On an index card, neatly print a tempo indicator on one side, and your group's summary definition on the other side. Complete one card for each term.
  9. Use your cards to help your group determine the order of tempo indicators from slow to fast.  Keep in mind that sometimes the order may not be obvious and a group decision will need to be made.
  10. After your group agrees on an order, arrange the cards accordingly.
  11. Share your cards with the rest of the class and note any group discrepancies in order.  Discuss some possible reasons why these differences may have occurred.












Individual Performance:  Contributes to Class Discussions


Listens attentively and responds when asked for input
Listens attentively and occasionally offers unsolicited topic related input
Listens attentively and often offers unsolicited topic related input
Listens attentively, offers input and asks pertinent questions that enhance the discussion


Individual Performance:  Contributes to Group Effort



Stays on task, completes work on time, and works cooperatively most of the time
Stays on task, completes work on time, and works cooperatively all of the time
Stays on task, completes work on time, and works cooperatively with contagious enthusiasm.
Stays on task, completes work on time, works cooperatively with enthusiasm, and strives to keep group motivated


Group Performance:  Tempo Indicator Card Stack 



Includes most tempo indicators, with short, legible definitions
Includes all tempo indicators, with adequate, neatly written definitions
Includes all tempo indicators, with good definitions, written neatly and legibly
Includes all tempo indicators, with excellent definitions, written in a neat, legible and creative way


Group Performance:  Presentation to Class


Introduces the card stack in a minimally informative way with little preparation
Introduces the card stack in a sufficiently informative way  with obvious preparation
Introduces the card stack in a very informative way with all group members participating
Introduces the card stack in a very creative, informative way with all group members equally involved


    Congratulations!  Thanks to your diligent work, the steady beat has returned and all musicians are once again able to find the tempo marks they need to perform the great works of music.  There are more tempo indicators out there waiting to be discovered.  Let's find them before Melvin does! 

Credits & References

Music Graphics Galore

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page