The Tajon Six Pac Home Page

Why the name? It is very obvious. There are six of us. 3 males, 3 females. First name initials are Dwight, Toni, Savannah,Thomas, Tyler, Annie. This is new to all of us accept Miss Savannah (below). . She has been helping her grampe do this for 3 years now. In fact, grampe is doing this now.

Savannah, Above,  getting her trophy last year at the end of the 1999 Baseball Season

Above, Annie fell asleep while riding the "Horse". Must have been a very boring ride.

Below is a picture of all of us in the order of age taken by this camera. It just took your picture so look out, you may be next on a page somewhere.

This portraite was taken by grampe. Dwight got tired of waiting and started walking away when the picture was finally taken and Toodles wanted to make it a "moving picture". It takes a long time to load up a paintbrush camera.

I am now introducing you to our continous fishcam. Their names are Purple, Big Orange, and Old Yeller. New tank on right is Little orange, Golly & Molly, (Do not know which is which). We hope you can figure out who is who. No, they are not owls.

I took a picture of the dog & cat. As you can see, they are both black. The cat is the one with the long tail. As you can guess, the picture was taken with the same camera as the family photo.

Are they ever excited to see you.


New 8/21/98
updated 3-28-04