Julia Anne
Born : January 26, 1998
Time: 8:08am Alaska Standart Time
Juneau, Alaska
Weight: 10 lbs. 5 oz.
Length: 22"


Above, Annie at 5 days 6 hours

Below, Annie at 4 1/2 months

(Above) No, I will not laugh grampe!

Annie's 6 month Birthday. Sitting up by herself now.

Annie's 8 month birthday 9/26/98 (Playing with grampe)

Almost everyone with Annie on 9 month birthday. Grampe holding Annie. Gramme & Mommy missing.

Annie on her 10 month birthday. Standing by herself and 6 teeth. Can you see any?

Great Grandma Julia feeding Annie ice cream on Sister Savannah's Birthday

Annie at 11 months. She is playing peek-a boo between her legs.

Annie on her 1 year old Birthday eating her own cake. What a mess after. She had fun.
Annie walks now everywhere. Loves to laugh and throw kisses.

Annie & Furbie on 10/9/99

Annie's New Dress from Great Grandma on Annie's 2nd Birthday

Annie taking a snooze while riding on dads back

Annie 3 years old petting bear rug 25 years old.

Annie on her 4th Birthday. She just woke up so a smile was sort of difficult even for Grampe.

Annie on her 5th Birthday, 2003

Annie on her 6th Birthday 2004

Annie on 7th Birthday 2005

Annie on 8th Birthday

Annie on her 9th Birthday

Annie on her 10th Birthday

Annie on her 11th Birthday. She just blew out her candles.

Annie on her 12th Birthday.

Annie on her 13th birthday

Annie on her 14th Birthday

Annie is our youngest Grand Daughter. She lives next door. Yes, her dad has a Shotgun so look out guys. So does Grampe, next door.

Annie on her 15th Birthday.

Annie on her 16th Birthday.

Grandparents: Gramme & Grampe
Named after Great Grandmother Julia Ann from Oregon
New 1/26/98
Updated 01-26-14
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