The photos on these pages were taken during trips to the Russian Far East two years apart. Both trips were brief so these photo essays can provide only impressions.
Russian seaplanes and a fighter are glimpsed from an airliner as it taxis toward the terminal in Petropavlosk. Petropavlosk is on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
A Visitor's View
of the Russian Far East
Anadyr, a community in the far north, was an unscheduled stop on a May 1996 flight from Anchorage to Khabarovsk.The reason: Passengers had so much luggage that the plane could not take off from Anchorage with a full load of fuel. The photo above was taken shortly after take off from Anadyr.
The guard, at right, watched as passengers deplaned at the Khabarovsk airport.
This page takes you to the Russian far east. Now that you're there, you can see:
May in Magadan
Photos © 1996 by Larry Pearson, all rights reserved
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and read letters by Civil War soldiers.
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